Dear City of Portland Finance Committee and Council,
As PTO leaders from around the district, we are writing to ask you to increase the school budget. We understand the difficult decisions facing the School Board and the City of Portland in developing the FY24 budget. And yet, the school board budget recommendation is insufficient to address today’s reality in Portland schools.
In addition to providing critical education to every student, Portland schools are providing basic needs for thousands of its students, including food and clothing. There are not enough resources, and staff are stretched too thin. We also cannot neglect the existing and ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and what that means for our students, teachers, and administration. New students are enrolling daily, yet the budget calls for reducing classroom teachers at multiple schools next year, which would result in bigger class sizes. Now is not the time to increase class sizes. We need smaller, not bigger classes. We are asking you to increase the school budget to ensure that we are meeting the increased needs, supporting staff, and providing quality education to all of Portland’s students.
As Portland residents, we live in Portland and send our children to Portland Public Schools because Portland strives to be a welcoming city that commits to providing high-quality education in the most diverse city in the state. As you are our representatives, we expect you to advocate for our schools and the thousands of students that are Portland’s future.
We know the school board has already compromised with its recommended budget, and we know the city can do better for families and students. We ask you to consider increasing the funding for the school budget by at least $1 million. Please show us you are committed to our children - the future of Portland.
Thank you for your consideration and the work you do on behalf of our children.
East End Community School PTO - Sharon McGauley and Aoife Nugent, Co-Chairs
Lincoln Middle School PTO - Jen Boggs and Jeff Christmas, Co-Chairs
Longfellow Elementary School PTO - Rachelle Curran Apse and Lisa Ha-Ngoc, Co-Chairs
Ocean Avenue School PTO - Rebecca Gibbons, President
Presumpscot Elementary School FTO - Sarah Nadeau, Manager
Reiche Elementary School PTO - Janel Redman, President
Amanda C. Rowe Elementary School PTO - Rita King, President
Gerald E. Talbot Community School PTO - Sandy Warren, Chair